Arbitration request bus

You have a problem with a company

Submission of your arbitration request

Information about further actions and how your arbitration request will be processed

I have already submitted a complaint directly with the railway company / transport association and didn’t receive an answer for four weeks or received an unsatisfying answer.*

Is your case pending with by a court or other consumer arbitration service or has it been conclusively dealt with by one of these?*

For whom are you making the request?*

Please enter here THE DIRECT CONTACT DETAILS OF THE PASSENGER CONCERNED. If the entry is for more than one person, please provide the contact details of ONE of the passengers.

Up to 7 files can be uploaded here. The maximum size of each file is 2 MB. Click “Select or search for file” to attach the files.

The following types of file are allowed: .bmp, .doc, .docx, .eml, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .msg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .tif, .xls, .xlsx, .xml. Should you not be able to upload your documents, you can send them in a separate e-mail.

e.g.: Ticket, discount card, complaint to the respondent, respondents's reply, bills (e.g. hotel, taxi), penalty, collection letter

Have you been informed in writing by the company about the possibility of arbitration and about the contact details of apf?*


* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory fields

Once you have sent the arbitration request, you will receive an automatic confirmation within the next 30 minutes by email with your personal case-number. As protection against SPAM, a SPAM shield may be activated before you are allowed to send the form. If you encounter any difficulties, please call us during our office hours.