Ticket inspections and fines

How long must I keep my ticket before I can throw it away?

Tickets must be kept until passengers leave the platform at the destination station. Ticket inspections are not only permitted on the train but also on the platform.

The legal basis is Paragraph 13, Section 3, of the Eisenbahnbeförderungsgesetz (EisbBFG – Railway Transport Act).

Is it possible to accompany someone to a train without a ticket?

Yes, that is permitted. In the event that you notice that tickets are being inspected, we recommend that you inform the ticket inspectors that you are just accompanying someone before going on to the platform to prevent any inconvenience to you. The burden of proof that you have not only gone to the platform but have also used the train lies with the railway company.

The legal basis is Paragraph 13, Section 3, and Paragraph 14 of the Eisenbahnbeförderungsgesetz (EisbBFG – Railway Transport Act).

My ticket was retained by the conductor when it was inspected. Is that permitted?

Yes, conductors may be retain tickets if, for example, they suspect that they are not valid. Conductors must confirm that they have retained your ticket so that you have proof in the event of a fine being demanded or in the event of judicial proceedings.

The legal basis is Paragraph 13, Section 5, of the Eisenbahnbeförderungsgesetz (EisbBFG – Railway Transport Act).

I have been fined to an extent which I think is unfair.Am I obliged to pay the fine?

Fines may always be issued. You may appeal to the railway company or integrated ticket organisation concerned if you think that the fine is unfair. The company must answer you at least once before further measures may be initiated (e.g. involvement of a collection agency). The company must issue one reminder before being permitted to initiate further measures if your payment has not been received on time. The fine must be reduced (to a maximum of 10%) if you are able to prove that you possess a valid personalised ticket. Tip: get in touch with the company as soon as possible.

The legal basis is Paragraph 15 of the Eisenbahnbeförderungsgesetz (EisbBFG – Railway Transport Act).