Arbitration request plane

You have a problem with a company

Submission of your arbitration request

Information about further actions and how your arbitration request will be processed

Have you already lodged a complaint in the matter to the airport / airport operator?*

How did you contact the company (email etc.)?*

Reaction to the complaint:*

Please note that arbitration through apf is only possible if you have not received a reply to your complaint from the company within six weeks, or if this was not satisfactory.

When did you contact the company?*

Is your case pending with by a court or other consumer arbitration service or has it been conclusively dealt with by one of these?*

For whom are you making the request?*

Please enter here THE DIRECT CONTACT DETAILS OF THE PASSENGER CONCERNED. If the entry is for more than one person, please provide the contact details of ONE of the passengers.

! TICKET REIMBURSEMENT: If the outward and return flights have been booked uniformly and ONLY the reimbursement of ticket costs is requested, only ONE arbitration request hast o be submitted!

Flight affected by the irregularity?*

If both the outbound and return flight or an alternative flight were affected by an irregularity, you must lodge a new arbitration request for this flight after sending the form.

How many flight segments were there in your journey?*

When did you learn about the cancellation?*

How did you learn about the cancellation?*

What was the reason for the denied boarding?*

Has the airline offered you another travel option?*

Have you taken advantage of the alternative transport?*

Were you informed of your rights in writing (e.g. passenger rights folder, etc.)?*

Were you offered any assistance or services free of charge (drinks, snacks, hotel, transfer etc.)?*

Vouchers, reimbursements etc.*

Please inform us from whom (airline, tour operator, insurance company, travel agency ...) you have already received an compensation/refund. Please inform us about the exact amount, the form of payment (cash, voucher, credit…) and the reason for the reimbursement (ticket costs, hotel, travel problems…).

You can submit up to 7 files with a maximum volume per file of 2 MB.
To attach your files, click on "Attach file".
We require at least the following documents: confirmation of booking, correspondence with the airline, any invoices for assistance or servicesPlease note that we require all of the flight documents of all of the passengers to assess the case. Up to 7 files can be uploaded here. The maximum size of each file is 2 MB. Click “Select or search for file” to attach the files

The following types of file are allowed:
.bmp, .doc, .docx, .eml, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .msg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .tif, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, hric
If there are any difficulties with the upload, please submit the documents seperately via e-mail.

I heard about you from*

Have you been informed in writing by the company about the possibility of arbitration and about the contact details of apf?*

* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory fields.

Once you have sent the arbitration request, you will receive an automatic confirmation within the next 30 minutes by email with your personal case-number. As protection against SPAM, a SPAM shield may be activated before you are allowed to send the form. If you encounter any difficulties, please call us during our office hours.